Tuesday, November 23, 2010

When life hands you lemon, make lemonade. NOT.

So is it that easy? To just make lemonade outta lemons? NO. TIDAK. MEI YOU. MOU. Though i get over my bad mood in like milliseconds, it also doesn't mean i can make blardy lemonades outta the lemons Miss Scary gave me at work. She has got mood swings. When she's nice, she won't talk to me. When she's not nice, she'll talk to me with the-very-annoyed-look on her face.

I was so pissed at her yesterday. She handed me a cheque to keep and when the guy comes, i'm supposed to hand it over to him. And because usually the guy will use the back door which is near her seat because they usually will attend to her. And her seat is at the other side of the office so i wouldn't notice each time people comes in from the back door. I've told her in the morning that it's gonna be hard for me to know whether the guy's here or not cuz i can't be watching the back door all the time can i? I was expecting for her to offer giving the cheque to him herself but instead she said "He'll come at around 3. You pay attention lah." I was like..okay.

The guy came at 4.30pm. And by the time i noticed him, he was half way out. I asked Miss S if that's the guy and she said "Call him lah." I WAS LIKE WTF. I ran after him and handed him the cheque.

Do you see the picture now? I was really really very angry at her. Her attitude is killing me! Once more and i'm so gonna tell her off.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

So that's how you love your kids? Right.

This morning, i went to this mamak at DJ with Mun Yoong to have breakfast. Then i saw this mother, scolding her (maybe 10 years old?) daughter, saying (in Mandarin) "If you wanna go, you go first. Don't follow me around, bla bla bla.." You know with the really irratated tone. Like her daughter's some stray puppy following her around?

Me: Wtf? *glares at the aunty*
Mun Yoong: Bie, would you talk to your kids like that?
Me: No friggin way! I'd love my kids very much and wouldn't talk to them like i'm so disgusted and embarrased by them.

I know MY parents won't talk to me like that. They never did. I really pity the little girl. If i was in her shoes, i'd feel so unloved. She's not even the rebellious type wehh (can see laa from her face. HEHE).

I'd like to give her mom a nice, long lecture. Hmm.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh no! It's that time of the month again.

This morning i woke up with a loud "SHITTT". Yeap, girls would understand. It's the freaking time of the month again! FML UP DOWN, SIDEWAYS, HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY. I did mentioned in my blog some time ago that I WANNA BE A MAN. Being a girl is so blardy hard wehh. The all kinds of pain we have to go through. At every stage of life. Urgghhhh!

Some really cool picture for Halloween. LAUGH.

Aaand one more thing, this is totally random b

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog. Blog. Blog.

I used to be REALLY consistent in blogging. Then i got pretty lazy. BUT NOW, I WANNA START BLOGGING AGAIN. CHEERIOS! lol.

Anyways, i realized how much benefits blogging brings. It improves the English. OKAY LAA. MY ENGLISH STILL NOT THE GOOD. But STILL, improved maa. And it's like a diary. No difference, really. Only, it's online. Only it's readable by alot of people...of course, you can set it private. but what's the fun? :P Anyways, my point is, we could really express ourselves here. AM I RIGHT? Yes i am thank you.

SO in conclusion, I will start blogging again and be consistent this time. Cheers! :D