Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello? *HAHAHAHA!* Oops, sorry!

My baby boy pick me up from work yesterday and we were discussing whether or not if we wanna go for 'tong sui' (desert) after dinner. And we decided yes so I was about to call the gang. Suddenly MY decided to be goofy and played with his long fringe (he's got no time to get a haircut). Look what he did.

normal look.


uber ugly.

I was actually calling Yu Min when I looked at him and I was laughing til I teared. I don't even realize Yu Min had already picked up the phone so he was hello-ing repeatedly and I was laughing and laughing and laughing.  Yu Min said

"What you called me just to hear you laugh ar?"

Okay that was first. Then I had to call Maddie and the same thing happened. MY asked me to look at him again and I couldn't resist. So there I go again, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA-ing through the phone. Maddie said

"Why you laugh til so 38??? Haha!"

Lastly, I had to call Daddy cuz he was in PJ and he wanted to pass me something. Yes. I. LOL-ed. Again. Daddy asked

"Girl! What's wrong with you? Didn't take your medicine ar?"

OMG my daddy is even funnier. HAHAHAHA. Lol-ed til I teared wtf.

Oh oh oh! There's one more thing which nicely contributed to my laughing day yesterday. Me, MY and Yu Min went to K.T.Z for 'tong sui' and guess what I saw in the menu.

Band?? Seriously?


I have no idea what's it called in English but I think my 'pinyin' would be something like...


Sounds better riiiiightttt??? LOL

K fine my canto sucks. My mandarin sucks more.

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